So -- I did the step by step through Thing 4 and found some wonderful things to subscribe to. Decided to use Google Reader although I signed up for Infinite Thinking and NewsGator (for Mac). The article on Using Google Reader like a Rockstar seems really useful with practice.
- What do you like about RSS and newsreaders? finding articles that I enjoy reading and can use to enhance my teaching, stay on top of things.
- How do you think you might be able to use this technology in your library or personal life? I found several articles that relate to my personal interests, and subscribed to those feeds. Then I found articles that will help me with lesson plans. I would like to get comfortable enough with what I am learning from the 23 things to teach them to kids (and other teachers).
- How can librarian staff or media specialists use RSS or take advantage of this technology? I set up subscriptions for books that would interest my students. I also can see setting up subscriptions that will help me target those subjects my teachers are looking for information to go with their curriculum -- things I can send them to enhance their lessonplans.
- Which tool for finding feeds was easiest to use? google blogs was really easy. I have not played with newsgator enough yet to know if it is as good as the intro page says.
- What other tools or ways did you find to locate newsfeeds? still learning about them.
- Find any great sources we should all add to our feed reader? Just the shortcuts and recommendations in the article How to Use Google REader like a Rockstar.